
#3 Tenet of Asana (Poses)

The End #3: Coming out of the Pose Today I’d like to talk about the last part of a pose. It is easy to think that when it is time to coming out of a pose you’re done. In yoga, coming out of a pose requires just as much (or more) mindfulness and practice as […]

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#2 Tenet of Asana (Poses)

The Middle: the Pose. The second tenet, or The Middle, is about what is happening while in your final expression of the pose. The breath will be your guide here. Your job is not to seek deeper expression but to allow your mind to rest and your breath to help you sink into the pose.

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#1 Tenet of Asana(Poses)

After years of teaching I have come to a few tenets that I focus on when teaching. Its hard to always go over every one of them in every class, but this forum is perfect for explaining them and for your consideration of them. I call these tenets the beginning, the middle and the end.

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Once upon a time I was a single mother of an 8 month old child. I worked full-time, and worked hard at being a good mother, sister, and daughter. I remember a particular winter morning going through the routine of getting us both up and dressed for our day: me to work and him to

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The “F” Words

Fear, Flight (or Flee), Fight & Freeze We have had a ton of learning over the past 20 years or so about our Flight/ Fight response to Fear (and stress in general). Yoga Teachers often talk about how we respond to stress “as if” we are being confronted by a tiger. Its a primal response

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Being With Feelings

I really don’t like “feelings”. And, what I mean by “feelings” is the hard unpleasant emotional sensations that just don’t feel great. Ugh!!! The ones like sadness, loss, anger, fear…you know, the ones we like to avoid. Feelings like these can be overwhelming. I can cope with physical pain way better than emotional pain. But,

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